
Follow your calling… even if you don’t think you have one!

At this time last year, I felt the push to start a blog.  I had no idea what I would share, how often I’d post, and if anyone would even read it.  Well except my mom… because my mama is and always has been my #1 fan.  🙂

I’ve always been an open book on my personal FB page and people would comment that they appreciated what I shared and how transparent I was with my life.  Often the posts that resonated with people were pertaining to divorce or just ‘hard days’ in life. Actually, the story about me participating in my very first triathlon may have been the biggest hit.  ha!  If you’re looking for a good laugh, please go read that!  🙂

Over the past few years, someone would occasionally mention that I should have a blog or write a book.  I laughed each time someone suggested that.   Then one day about this time last year, I had THREE different people (two that aren’t even on FB) all tell me the SAME DAY tell me that I should write a blog.  OK God, I’ve ignored your more subtle hints, so now you’re hitting me over the head.  I get it.  I’ll be obedient and do what you’ve asked… finally.  So I started picking a few random FB posts I’d written previously that were well received and added them to my page and January 11th of 2016 I wrote my intro welcoming people to my little corner of the world.

Practice what I preach.  I always tell my boys that anything they put in writing, whether it’s in a text, email, Instagram, youtube, musicaly, Snapchat, etc that they need to pretend it’s being posted on billboards around the world.  Once it’s shared online, it’s there FOREVER!  So I’ve taken the same approach to my blog… balancing honesty with my story in hopes of helping others find comfort or encouragement while keeping certain pieces of my story private for my kids’ sakes.  Oh, I can’t tell you how many times my closest friends have said my story is like a ‘made for TV movie’.  No joke.  It’s all kinds of layers of craziness.  I digress.

Anyway, with no rhyme or reason as to when I post things or what I share I’ve really enjoyed writing.  I’ve been writing for me.   And honestly I have been really surprised at how many people have found it helpful in their own journey.

Below is the most recent message I got was from someone who I was not even Facebook friends with at the time… but we are now. 🙂

“I found your blog last March when you wrote about death and divorce. I was about 4 months out from my divorce and that blog helped save me!! It made me feel normal. It made me feel not so alone. It made me realize that I needed time. Something that no one else seemed to understand. I’ve reread that blog so so so many times. I just sent it to another friend who is also going through a divorce and she commented as well how insightful it is.  Merry Christmas Heather. Thanks for sharing your story.”

I became a puddle of tears.  You guys.  A year ago, I was still fighting God’s desire for me to share my story somehow.  And now 365 days later, multiple people have reached out with words that have reinforced why I started this blog.  I’m so thankful I finally listened to Him.  I didn’t think I could have found a purpose this way.  But what’s ‘funny’ to me, is that God knew it all along and it just took me a few years to finally come around to his way of thinking.  ha!  Each time I receive a message thanking me for a post or sharing their heartbreaking story with me and how my words have helped them, I cry.

I share this to encourage you to go out of your comfort zone.  Listen to His whispers.  Listen even harder to the whispers that make you the most uncomfortable.  Those are the actions that will have the greatest impact on you, others or more likely than not both you AND others.

Have you thought about doing something?  What’s stopping you?   Follow the whispers.   Those whispers might turn out to be a calling you didn’t even know you had!





Heather is the owner of Sweet Lemonade Photography and co-owner of Sweet Darling Weddings.  Life gave her a bunch of lemons (you can read a little more here) and by keeping her focus on God, finding the positive in each day, and surrounding herself with supporting, loving and encouraging people she has turned those lemons into the sweetest lemonade.  This blog has been created to share her heart, her adventures and find ways to bless others.  You can contact her at heather@sweetlemonadelife.com.