Children Parenting

Today was the day.

Surprised my youngest with his favorite sandwich and it happened….


This is the boy who was sitting on my lap at school lunches the end of last year and begging me to stay and play at recess.  Today, upon my first lunch visit of his 5th grade year, I snuck a kiss without even thinking twice.  He leans over and whispers in my ear, “no more kisses…. Just not at school.  K, mom?”  I responded “you got it” with a smile on my face.

But a part of me wanted to cry.  Where does the time go?  How is my baby not wanting kisses in public already? How do I have a high schooler already?  How have I gone from having 3 boys totally dependent on me 24/7  to them being mature enough (usually) for me to leave them at home by themselves?  

We raise them to be independent so they can go out on their own one day and be kind, loving, productive, happy little humans.  All 3 of them will do great things in their life.  They already are.  I love to see their growth, ability and desire to do things on their own.  I see them do things themselves and I beam with pride.  But sometimes it’s harder than others to keep a smile on my face as I slowly release my grip.  

As I was getting up from the table he did not beg me to go to recess like he ALWAYS has before. I told him to have fun at recess, hoping it might jog his memory that he wants me to stay. 😉  But he just smiled and said, “ok, see you after school.”

Just like that our school lunch routine has forever changed.  0 for 2 in the same day. No kisses. No recess.  But that’s ok. Change is good.  Sometimes it just catches me by surprise when change is not on my terms.  ha!

So Jake, my boy, I will honor your request for no kisses at school… it just means there will be many waiting for you (and your brothers) when you get home.  😊

Love makes this crazy life more wonderful. So blessed to have these 3 to love.




So after posting this blog, a friend shared the thought below with me and I knew I needed to add it in case you’re feeling the same way.  So carry on mamas and papas… smile and be thankful and proud about how successful you have been at the toughest job you’ll ever have!


Heather is the owner of Sweet Lemonade Photography and co-owner of Sweet Darling Weddings located in central Illinois (Mahomet).  Life gave her a bunch of lemons (you can read a little more here) and by keeping her focus on God, finding the positive in each day, and surrounding herself with supporting, loving and encouraging people she has turned those lemons into the sweetest lemonade.  This blog has been created to share her heart, her adventures and find ways to bless others.  You can contact her at